Healthureum Bringing Solutions to Problems in the Healthcare Ecosystem

With technology seeing a more evolved face, it was only a matter of time before healthcare too saw the efficiency in it and proceeded to make use of the best kinds technological enhancements. In the case of Healthureum, the Ethereum based blockchain has been quite the milestone in the ecosystem of health care. Healthureum has strived to bring together blockchain and healthcare to provide people with a more efficient healthcare system that is not only available sooner than the conventional healthcare systems, but it also factors out several poignant inefficiencies in the healthcare systems.
The poignant inefficiencies in the healthcare system:
●    The number one problem that the healthcare community has faced is drug counterfeit on a global scale. With the enhancement of technology, organizations have been more and more dependent on them. This allows a window for some smart minds to manipulate their way into the system and weasel in counterfeit drugs. This has been a complicated problem to deal with in the past few years. Several people have been affected due to this, and while there has been every trial to curb this, drug counterfeit has seen significant growth in the past years.
●    There has also been seen a wide disparity in the method of treatment, cost of procedures and the quality of care provided to individual sections of the community. This is the exact opposite of egalitarianism- something that the world is striving to achieve but has been unable to.
●    Mismanagement of patient data is another problem that has not only just affected healthcare but has also caused the loss of lives over the decades. Every day, professionals in the healthcare community have been doing their very best to improve management of patient data. Even then, there always seems to inconsistencies- something that is entirely unacceptable in the healthcare ecosystem.
●    There has also been seen a lack of sufficient medical infrastructure. Patients have been unable to access their healthcare records resulting in them not being able to provide their reports to the necessary doctors in cases of emergencies.
●    The excessive cost of health has also become one of the leading problems in the sphere of healthcare resulting in people not being able to get the necessary treatments. Added to that, the long waiting periods, as well as the multifaceted procedures that are required to obtain a referral to a specialist has caused a lot of disturbance among the general population.
All of these together have caused people to lose faith, little by little, on the healthcare industry which is sad because healthcare is pivotal in the proper functioning of the world.
What Healthureum brings to the plate
Healthureum has taken a new approach to the dealings in the healthcare sphere. It has a smart contract technology with eradicates any inconsistencies that may occur in the successful exchange of healthcare. With HHEM as the chosen transactional medium, payment can be made faster and more efficiently on a global scale.  Here are some of the benefits that Healthureum has brought forward:
●    There is a complete simplicity in the data, the processes as well as the billings and claims. This allows a more significant number of people being able to access this method as well as tracking their data. The data can be traced back person to an organization which makes sure that there is no tinkering in any part of the process.
●    The consolidated data of the patient is accessible whenever there is a requirement. This means that one can always jump for a second opinion or even use the data for other purposes at the right time.
●    Any kind of access is fast and on a global scale. The idea is to cancel out the physical or geographical differences and provide a standard platform for everybody to reach out and grab the right healthcare resources from a multitude of them all across the world. Video consultations are also available along with very fast and expert diagnosis. This means one can finally have an easy diagnosis without having to wait in long lines.
●    Not only is the data accessible to the patient but it is also secured. The payment method is safe, secure and trustworthy. 

With Healthureum stepping in with its easier accessibility and its measure to automatically cancel out any fraud or malpractices in the healthcare industry, people have been able to show more dependence on the healthcare system. Because the modern healthcare system is the backbone of the functioning world, Healthureum is one of the most modern and a unique way to go about the healthcare sector. Primarily, the payment of tokens is another big leap in bringing healthcare and innovation together allowing the facilitation of secure payments globally. This is an all-in-one approach in the healthcare society.
